Hourly Support
eXPro’s Hourly Support plan is designed to accommodate organizations with infrequent support needs and those with small networks. Consulting, installation and troubleshooting services are provided on an as-needed basis per your request. Scheduled support visits are also available on this plan – a good idea for virus updates and checking backups.
Flexibility: Our engineers are available at your request or on a schedule of your choice. You only pay for the time you use, unlike the time block plans promoted by other firms.
Volume Discount: Billing for this service is done on a time and materials basis at an hourly rate. Discounts are given for large blocks of time.
General policies - Travel time is not billed within the Bur Dubai. Parking expenses are passed through to client. Billing allowances are made in special circumstances. If you ever feel that you have been billed unfairly, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss an adjustment.